UPDATE: phpBB 3.0.9
Posted: Sat, 2011.09.24 12:17
I've updated the board to 3.0.9. I don't expect too many problems, as we don't usually have trouble with the auto-update packages, but if anything isn't working properly, please send me a PM.
Also, I have made some changes to the settings in the hopes of getting rid of the particularly persistent case of spambots we have. If I've deleted anyone's account who actually meant to file an application? Do yourself a favour and re-read the rules before making another account, because if I couldn't tell you from a spambot, you're doing it wrong.
Also, I have made some changes to the settings in the hopes of getting rid of the particularly persistent case of spambots we have. If I've deleted anyone's account who actually meant to file an application? Do yourself a favour and re-read the rules before making another account, because if I couldn't tell you from a spambot, you're doing it wrong.